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terça-feira, 24 de setembro de 2024

domingo, 24 de março de 2024

CONCERT - Synth-ing's March Equinox Concert 2024!

At this point, I have to face it that I will never upload posts about most of the previous concerts...

Some of them I just don't remember exactly what gear I used, so it's really hard to give some details about those performances...

In fact, I'm not even 100% sure what gear I used for last NYE Concert... I think it was a Korg MS-20 setup, but again, I'm not really sure... And if I used that synth, I'm not sure what else I used with it... Probably the Electric Repeater, but could have also just used a Symbolic Sounds Kyma Capybara 320 long delay patch instead with some reverb...

So... The best thing is really to just accept that and start from scratch and put a proper post about the concert I just gave, Synth-ing's March Equinox Concert 2024!