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terça-feira, 24 de setembro de 2024

CONCERT - Synth-ing's September Equinox Concert 2024!

This concert was actually last Saturday, but it seems that, somehow, I forgot to post about it here...

Fortunately, I recorded it and just made it available for everyone to listen!

Like always, you can find this performance available at!

This was a special performance, as I used my Symbolic Sounds Kyma Capybara 320 exclusively!

But unlike other times, I finally made use of the Timeline feature in Kyma, which is kind of a DAW, kind of a multitimbral mode, to put it in a simple way!

To inspire me, I thought about the sounds of the universe (not actual sounds because of the vacuum, but how the radiation you find in the universe would sound), and after an interesting chat with ChatGPT, I got a clear idea on what my performance should feature!

So I don't bother with too many details, I just leave this quick resume of the structure done by ChatGPT:


Simplified Toy Model Workflow

Pulsars: Periodic square wave pulses with randomization, sharp attack.

Gravitational Waves: Slowly rising sine tones with exponential pitch modulation.

CMB: Continuous filtered noise with slow modulation.

Solar Wind: Band-passed noise with slow random LFO modulation.

Black Hole: Deep sine wave drones with ring modulation for texture.

Space Dust: Randomized percussive clicks using granular synthesis.

By using this simplified model, you’ll be able to create a coherent, evocative piece within a week that represents key cosmic phenomena, without having to worry about handling complex data or advanced Kyma programming. 


As pointed out at the end of that last paragraph, using actual cosmological data was a possibility, and it would have been a very exciting one, to be honest! 

However, I felt a single week wasn't enough time for me to try something as challenging as that would have been, despite I definitely want to do something like that sooner or later!

So I decided to just use some toy models to model the different elements listed before, which was still pretty challenging, but also very interesting to do!

Along with creating structures similar to the ones described by ChatGPT, I also had to come up with an interesting set of random modulations that would be in sync during the whole performance!

These, together with some automation from the Timeline, should have allowed for a self playing piece that would still feel fresh after an hour of playing!

Sadly, things weren't as easy as I hoped for...

Quite some things I tried to do on this performance were things I haven't tried to do before, and therefore they ended up taking more time than I expected...

And to make things worse, I thought I was keeping an eye on the DSP usage of the individual sounds, so they would run well together in the timeline, but that just wasn't the case...

So at the last minute, I ended up having to simplify some sounds, so I could get everything running together in the timeline, and ended up not being able to fully automate all the parameters I wanted, which meant tweaking some knobs and sliders in the VCS (Kyma's virtual control surface) as the performance was progressing!

Those last paragraphs might have sound a bit negative, but it was still an amazing experience, and I'm really happy with the result as well!

I felt everything sounded nice together, while giving a really nice cosmic feeling!

Also, my knowledge of Kyma really improved because of this project, and I feel now even more motivated to learn it better, despite the setbacks I had with the performance!

In fact, I might actually try to redo some of the sounds and re-use them for a later performance!

Or maybe for a documentary about the universe (if you know someone working on that, make sure to mention my music)!

I think this is all, and I hope you really enjoy the performance!

P.S. - Sorry I'm not posting photos of the Kyma sounds I created, like I used to do for the Nord Modulars, but good sounds in Kyma rely a lot on complex mathematical expressions that are inserted in the parameter fields and it would be too much work to show the parameter fields for all the modules... But if you are a Kyma user and are interested in some of the sounds I created, don't hesitate in contacting me! I always enjoy a good chat about Kyma! :D

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