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terça-feira, 7 de maio de 2019

MEANWHILE - Synth-ing just launched on Patreon!

Sometimes, you just have to look at how things are developing and try to understand what will work the best for you...

And after much thought, I decided to launch my Patreon!
Conditions are about to change, so it seemed like the perfect time to do so!

I know I haven't been that active lately, but my love for music and music technology has not faded a bit!
And neither has my love for sharing new content with you!

However, I just end up not having as much time as I would wish to create posts I am fully happy with, which is why I end up posting very little lately...

I would have liked to post more videos, but unfortunately I haven't been able to configure my space as I would like, and my video recording system is not as nice as I would like either...

In order to get some financing to fix these two "problems", I felt Patreon was a great option for now!

But Patreon also felt right as I know having patrons supporting me will give me that extra motivation to actually deliver new content, rather than postponing it as I have done so many times these past months...

And to make it pretty inexpensive, I set 3 different tiers of support.

The lowest one requiring just 1$ and lets you listen to a new electronic music performance every week!
The intermediate tier, which requires 5$, gives you access to technical posts, in which I'll explain how I constructed my performance and how I achieved certain sounds, in similar fashion to the posts I did for my Synth-ing NºX performances, despite these performances will likely be considerably shorter (but at least 15 minutes).
The highest tier requires 10$ and gives you access to synth patches and samples as well, some of them not used in my performances!

So, if you want to support my work, you can find my Patreon page here!

Any support will be highly appreciated!

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